February 13, 2016


I saw this challenge to take a picture a day of different images...and in my heart of hearts, I want to be an artistic photographer. So I'm taking on the challenge.

Day 1. Shadows

Half Moon Bay

Day 2. Skin

Day 3. Moonlight

Day 4. Petites Fleurs

Day 5. Rain

October 11, 2015

Emily, Melissa, Moi, Dawn, Lisa

Again...black and white.

a day in the life

I can't say as to why I like this photo.

Perhaps it's the "everyday" of it.

Or maybe it's because it's black and white.

I do love black and white.

Maybe it's the different textures...wood, tweed, flesh.

I don't know, but it 'speaks' to me.

Happy Harvest

Half Moon Getaway

I love Half Moon Bay. 
A lot.

And my favorite place to stay is in Half Moon Bay Inn.
It's chic, cozy, and super comfortable,

Someday, I will have a door knob like this one.

Aren't God's creations simply beautiful?

Who knew Santa Claus lived in San Francisco!

Can you say ADORABLE!?!
This is just the cutest kitchenette I've ever seen!

February 23, 2014

My Valentine, Emma

You know you're a blessed mother, when your 11 year old daughter gives you a dozen roses for St. Valentines Day! Thank you, Emma.

November 13, 2013